
用于RNA定量的 RiboGreen染料在Picofluor便携式荧光计上的应用

RiboGreen® RNA Quantitation Reagent is an ultra-sensitive fluorescent nucleic acid stain. It is a simple and rapid procedure for measuring RNA concentration in solution for several molecular biology procedures. A few such procedures include in vitro transcription, Northern blot analysis, reverse transcription PCR, differential display PCR, S1 nuclease assays, RNAse protection assays and cDNA synthesis for library production.

The determination of absorbance at 260nm is the most commonly used technique for measuring RNA concentration. Major disadvantages of this method are poor sensitivity (4 µg/ml RNA in solution) and interference in signal levels from contaminating components such as nucleotides, proteins and salts in the RNA solution. The use of an ultra-sensitive fluorescent nucleic acid stain such as RiboGreen® alleviates these problems.